Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Episode 22: A Sneek Peek(er chup)

Konnichiwa Mina-san! Genki?

So, just a few more little developments going on in my life that I want to brush up on: So check it out! It's coming at you like a Spider Monkey.

Okay, so my last Japanese lesson on Monday went quite well. I felt like Tomo-san had a bit more preparation going on, and though we were covering a topic that I had already covered before, this time we expanded on it to include more variations. Anywho, though that was all fine and dandy, and I did learn how to say some things in a pretty casual fashion, I was more impressed by the fact that I finally started writing in Japanese! YOSHA!!! Honto-ni, it's been really cool to be able to actually fashion my sentences out of Hiragana, Katakana, and even the odd Kanji. Now, working in the Kanji seems most impressive to me, but it all seems really cool. I mean, I figured that after about six months, I should be writing in the Japanese alphabet, but it's just so cool once it actually starts happeneing. It's like learning how to ride a bike for the first time. You just get this great feeling inside, like you've finally accomplished something that's a pretty crucial step in life. (Okay, not that most people need to learn how to write in Japanese, but still...)

Anywho, Tomo-kun also bought a text-book for me up in Nagoya. My morning thusfar has been filled with studying Japanese, drinking some Tim Horton's Coffee, and of course, relaxing to some tunes on my luscious laptop. This Laptop has been great btw, and I know that I often go ahead and plug that I've recently become a Mac user, but seriously, once you go Mac you'll never go back. They're sexy machines, and they've recently become a lot more affordable to the average person who wants a cool laptop. Check out the site. Also, if you're a university student, you can get a free ipod if you buy one right now. Pretty sick.

The MOST exciting thing going on right now is the promise of Laura's arrival here in Japan. I kinda want to post our temporary itinerary online here, but I don't really want to wreck the surprise... ah well, here goes nothing:

August 14-17: Tokyo
August 18-19: Mie-ken
August 20: Day trip to Nara
August 21-23: Ise, Nagoya, and Iga
August 24-25: Climbing Mt. Fuji
August 26-29: Kyoto for 2 days, Hiroshima, Himeji, and Osaka.
August 30: Chill
August 31: Baii baii Laura. :(

Obviously I haven't listed all the details here, but that's because you're gonna have to stay tuned and check out the nigh daily updates that we'll be posting over this time-line. Be on the look-out for the key moments, like the Peace Memorial, Disneyland Tokyo, Himeji Castle, and Tsukiji fish market!

Alright, I'm done my break, and I'm gonna head back into doing my studying before work. There's still so much to learn... life is study....

-ja mattane,


Nothing gets me hungry like cream filled colon. Mmmmm... now a snack you can enjoy at any time of the day!

I love this picture! I can't believe that the Japanese have managed to do the impossible, and place God in a can of coffee!!! It tastes divine... (okay, sorry, that was a bad one...)

Nothing can wash down God Coffee like a nice cold bottle of... Tap water?! Hahahahaha.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

I happened upon your blog after searching Nova Group's Web site. My boyfriend and I are considering applying for teaching positions, and it looks like you've had a great experience so far. Do you have any advice for applying and interviewing with Nova? Thanks!


5:09 AM  
Blogger Benjamin Lynch said...

Sure, no problem Danielle. I'll send you an e-mail and we can exchange some information. Lots of couples apply online and can go together to the same apartment, while working in separate branches. I can send you some advice soon.



4:12 PM  

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