Episode 15: Keep the Bowl rollin'...
Konnichiwa Mina-san!!!
Another week flies by, and thus, so doth my keystrokes. Welcome to yet another posting to mark some of the newest experiences in my beautiful trip accross the land and into a the world of the East. This week's entry involves some new developments in housing, a new hobby, and new friendships.
First off, let me speak about the beautiful world of Bowling. Yes, I have finally had a chance to embark on that long polished wooden trail, down the laneways, and smack dab into the pins of life. I'm talking about Bowling, and in Japan, it is no less than a phenomenon. Last Sunday Ashanthi, Kaori, Nao and myself pioneered "GrandBowl," and we achieved only success. (Unless you count score that is.)
Please allow me to introduce you to the Auto-Shoeser. Yes, this mammoth vessel of unholy greatness is a behemoth in its own right, capable of distributing different sized shoes to over twenty different sized people simultaneously.... What is that you say? But it would take the dedicated efforts of over twenty people to accomplish that feat? Why yes, that is true young grasshopper, and thus, the Auto-Shoeser is one of the greatest inventions of all time. And look a that beautiful name.
Of course, one short-coming is that we have different sizing in our North American shoes than they do over here, and Mr. Auto-shoeser doesn't let you try on a pair to see if... well... 'the shoe fits.' In any case, I managed to snag the perfect size based solely on the fact that Ashanthi has feet that are similar in size to mine. She bought hers first. :)
The bowling lanes shut down once an hour for a few minutes to reveal what could only be described in North American terms as "COSMIC BOWL." Though the pictures are of terrible quality, I am sure that you can catch the gist of the moments inscribed upon a digital format for all time. (Check out that Halloween decore!)
By the end of the night, Kaori had lost her thumb nail in a bowling ball (ouch!) Ashanthi had mastered her ball spinning technique, Nao couldn't use her right hand (but somehow managed to get a strike with her left) and I had got some practice for Neil's going away party on May 20th. Things were great that night, and afterwards we hit up 'Shidax' for Karaoke.
After that delicious start to my week, I began a new step in my adventure here in Japan... I started packing for my move to a new apartment. I'm going to have two new flat mates, a nice shower, more space, pay less, and be in a more convienient location. Win-Win-Win-Win baby!!!
My official move date will be May 16th, and so post then, please contact me for my contact information. Tristan will be picking up my mail for now, but he may not stay here that long anyway, so please make sure to get that information. You can also contact my parents, they'll have the address & postal code.
Finally, to finish off this post, I'd like to say that I'm beginning to learn about some nook & cranny places here in Tsu. This is mainly due to a couple trips with my new friend, Matthew, who has been here for about three years now. He happens to know a little too much about this place, so we had a great time the other day looking around at new places, eating some real Indian Curry (!) and also doing some shopping. Check it out guys, I'm holding 8 Litres of Whiskey for less than $49 Canadian! Now, if only I liked Whiskey...
until next week,
Ahhh... "Oh MyReade" Probably the best toilet paper the world has ever birthed from her birth canal. Love the name.
Another week flies by, and thus, so doth my keystrokes. Welcome to yet another posting to mark some of the newest experiences in my beautiful trip accross the land and into a the world of the East. This week's entry involves some new developments in housing, a new hobby, and new friendships.
First off, let me speak about the beautiful world of Bowling. Yes, I have finally had a chance to embark on that long polished wooden trail, down the laneways, and smack dab into the pins of life. I'm talking about Bowling, and in Japan, it is no less than a phenomenon. Last Sunday Ashanthi, Kaori, Nao and myself pioneered "GrandBowl," and we achieved only success. (Unless you count score that is.)
Please allow me to introduce you to the Auto-Shoeser. Yes, this mammoth vessel of unholy greatness is a behemoth in its own right, capable of distributing different sized shoes to over twenty different sized people simultaneously.... What is that you say? But it would take the dedicated efforts of over twenty people to accomplish that feat? Why yes, that is true young grasshopper, and thus, the Auto-Shoeser is one of the greatest inventions of all time. And look a that beautiful name.
Of course, one short-coming is that we have different sizing in our North American shoes than they do over here, and Mr. Auto-shoeser doesn't let you try on a pair to see if... well... 'the shoe fits.' In any case, I managed to snag the perfect size based solely on the fact that Ashanthi has feet that are similar in size to mine. She bought hers first. :)
The bowling lanes shut down once an hour for a few minutes to reveal what could only be described in North American terms as "COSMIC BOWL." Though the pictures are of terrible quality, I am sure that you can catch the gist of the moments inscribed upon a digital format for all time. (Check out that Halloween decore!)
By the end of the night, Kaori had lost her thumb nail in a bowling ball (ouch!) Ashanthi had mastered her ball spinning technique, Nao couldn't use her right hand (but somehow managed to get a strike with her left) and I had got some practice for Neil's going away party on May 20th. Things were great that night, and afterwards we hit up 'Shidax' for Karaoke.
After that delicious start to my week, I began a new step in my adventure here in Japan... I started packing for my move to a new apartment. I'm going to have two new flat mates, a nice shower, more space, pay less, and be in a more convienient location. Win-Win-Win-Win baby!!!
My official move date will be May 16th, and so post then, please contact me for my contact information. Tristan will be picking up my mail for now, but he may not stay here that long anyway, so please make sure to get that information. You can also contact my parents, they'll have the address & postal code.
Finally, to finish off this post, I'd like to say that I'm beginning to learn about some nook & cranny places here in Tsu. This is mainly due to a couple trips with my new friend, Matthew, who has been here for about three years now. He happens to know a little too much about this place, so we had a great time the other day looking around at new places, eating some real Indian Curry (!) and also doing some shopping. Check it out guys, I'm holding 8 Litres of Whiskey for less than $49 Canadian! Now, if only I liked Whiskey...
until next week,
Ahhh... "Oh MyReade" Probably the best toilet paper the world has ever birthed from her birth canal. Love the name.
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